Natural Risk Zones GML Application Schema
Type of resources
Available actions
INSPIRE themes
Provided by
Representation types
[INSPIRE] Polygon dataset with the APSFR zones for Directive 2007/60
[INSPIRE] Point dataset with the observed events in the context of the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment for Directive 2007/60
Polygon dataset of flood hazard areas with low probability scenario (HLP) for Directive 2007/60/EC
[INSPIRE] Polygon dataset of flood risk zones with medium probability scenario (RZMP) for Directive 2007/60/EC.
Polygon dataset of flood hazard areas with medium probability scenario (HMP) for Directive 2007/60/EC.
Polygon dataset with potential future events in the context of the Preliminary Flood Risk Assessment for Directive 2007/60/EC
Polygon dataset of flood hazard areas with high probability scenario (HHP) for Directive 2007/60/EC
[INSPIRE] Polygon dataset of flood risk zones with high probability scenario (RZHP) for Directive 2007/60/EC.
[INSPIRE] Polygon dataset of flood risk zones with low probability scenario (RZLP) for Directive 2007/60/EC.