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INSPIRE themes
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[INSPIRE] Geospatial point data for Establishment of Pollutant Release and Transfer Register REGULATION (EC) No 166/2006.
Urban Waste Water Treatment Plants - Agglomerations - Directive 91/271
Grid dataset with the birds distribution for Directive 2007/147
The dataset includes the boundaries of Special Conservation Areas (Habitats Directive 92/43) and Special Protection Areas (Birds Directive 2009/147).
The dataset includes the boundaries of the river basin districts for the Directive 2000/60.
Point dataset with the urban waste-water treatment plants for Directive 91/271
[INSPIRE] Polygon dataset with the APSFR zones for Directive 2007/60
Point dataset with the positions of the monitoring stations for Directive 2008/56.
Linear dataset with the river water bodies for Directive 2000/60.
Point dataset with the location of installations upper for SEVESO III Directive